
Donald Trump

Quite personally, I am very interested in Mr. Trump. If I were an American, I might vote for him.

I don't know whether it influenced or not, I drew the Five of Swords in this morning (of course with HandyTarot). Then, I was wondered what he (the person in the card) looked at was; I drew the second card just left to the first one; it was the World.

I think the person in the Five of Swords is Mr. Trump. He has a venomous tongue. Also he is indeed renowned for his career in real estate business. He offends both left-wing (Democratic Party) and right-wing (Republican Party) and is driving off other candidates.

I hope, although his sharp tongue, once he has survived the election, he will become quite a good President, as the World suggests. His aggressiveness may be just for surviving the election.


そのことが影響したのかどうかわかりませんが、今朝、「剣の 5」を引きました(もちろんハンディタロットを使って)。それで、カードの人物の視線の先が気になったので、左隣のカードを続けて引くと、こちらは「世界」でした。

「剣の 5」の人物はトランプのように思えます。彼は毒舌です。また実際に彼は不動産王として有名です。彼は左翼(民主党)も右翼(共和党)も攻撃し、他の候補を放逐しつつあります。
